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12 Week Trading Mindset Transformation Program
👋 Start Here
Welcome To The Program (9:55)
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Join The Group (2:28)
The Trading Mindset Mastery Dashboard (1:24)
Accountability Tracker (1:50)
Pre-Program Tracker (1:43)
🧠 Mastering Your Trading Mindset At A Glance
💰 Telos Capital | The Funding Pathway (2:20)
🤯 Week 1: Your Inner Wiring 💰
Understanding Yourself (21:30)
Priority Determination Process (28:52)
Linking For Excellence (10:03)
The Linking Process (13:38)
❓ High Quality Example and Q&A
🧠 Additional Insights
🎙 Community Discussion
🧭 Week 2: Master Planning 💰
Your Life's Master Plan (14:19)
Creating Your "Love List" (5:14)
P.A.T | Performance Analyser for Traders
🎙 Community Discussion
📈 Week 3: Achievement Masterclass 💰
Achieving Your Trading & Life Goals (Pt. 1) (17:42)
Achieving Your Trading & Life Goals (Pt. 2) (16:34)
Building Un-Stoppable Momentum (10:59)
The Secret "AIM" Framework
🎙 Community Discussion
💎 Week 4: Trading Plan Mastery 💰
Trading For Full-Time Income (21:37)
Trading Plan Mastery (18:22)
Sharpening Your Edge (3:59)
7-figure Trading Plan Example
📝 Trading Plan 2.0 Checklist (New Tool)
🔮 Trading Plan Audit
🧠 Additional Insights
🎙 Community Discussion
🧠 Week 5: Mindset Masterclass 💰
The Story Of "Maybe" (Perspective Shift)
⚠️ The ONLY Emotions Masterclass You Will Ever Need (67:53)
Transforming Your Psychology (Tool & Application) (32:48)
1-on-1 Client Session with Pat (61:15)
🔑 Perfecting Your Decision Making (Keys To Consistency)
Bulletproof Your Mindset Tool 2.0 (15:37)
🛑 Shame & Guilt | The DESTROYER Of Wealth
The 4 Steps To Consistent Profitability (Checklist)
❓ High Quality Example and Q&A
Week 5 Important Updates (12:24)
(Live Application) 1on1 Transcending Judgement Tool (58:33)
(Live Application) 1on1 Bulletproof Mindset Tool (13:35)
(Live Application) Transcending Judgement Tool (22:42)
Top Trading Psychologist Reveals How To Unlock Your Brain's Full Potential (EXTENDED)
🧠 Additional Insights
🎙 Community Discussion
💸 Week 11: Scaling Your Psychology & Trading Account 💰
📈 Feeling Worthy Of Trading More Capital (Scaling) (14:57)
Ensuring Your Long-Term Success As A Funded Trader (Tool) (11:07)
Drawdown Risk Management Protocol
Bonus | Transcending The Boom & Bust Cycle (32:10)
Zero to 6-Figure | Step-by-step Checklist
Full-time Trading | Step-by-step Checklist
💰 Telos Capital | Your Invitation
🎙 Community Discussion
🙏 Week 6: Mindset Masterclass
Transforming Perceptions On Others (8:19)
Bonus | Excellence Program (35:15)
🎙 Community Discussion
💰 Week 7: Loss & Gain
Observing The Transformation Like A Pro Trader (18:21)
Loss & Gain Application (Reprogramming Your Mind) (13:50)
🎙 Community Discussion
🔨 Week 8: Beliefs Masterclass
Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs (27:53)
Beliefs Application (21:45)
Bonus | Transcending Limiting Beliefs (7:38)
🎙 Community Discussion
💪 Week 9: Owning The Traits
The Law Of Reflection (18:06)
Owning It All (Secret To Unbreakable Confidence) (18:09)
🎙 Community Discussion
🔮 Week 10: The New Standard
The New Standard (20:00)
Bonus | Never-Ending Growth (21:05)
🎙 Community Discussion
🚀 Week 12: Building Generational Wealth
Achieving Financial Independence (33:42)
🧠 Additional Insights
🎙 Community Discussion
🙏 12 Week Program Summary
Before We Wrap Up (Important News) (7:45)
1-on-1 Performance Coaching with Pat Bailouni
🧰 The Complete Toolkit
Priority Determination Process
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